e-Check: Online Licence Check Document Help Guide
What Is An Online Licence Check Document?
Non-UK licences additional information screen
Northern Ireland Licences Additional Information Screen
What if the link I have been sent has expired?
What if I have a problem entering my driving licence number?
What if I need to nominate another driver who will drive my car?
What Is An Online Licence Check Document?
In order for us to verify your driving licence with the licensing authorities DVLA for Great Britain licences or DVA for Northern Ireland licences we require your permission. Licences issued outside the UK are also checked by the DVLA.
You give us your permission to check your licence by completing and signing an online licence check document.
For DVLA checks this is a Fair Processing Declaration which replaces the data protection mandate as part of DVLA GDPR changes. After 25th August 2018 a DVLA licence check can only take place with Fair Processing Document in place.
For DVA checks a data protection mandate is required.
It is best to have your licence with you when you complete the online licence check document.
If your licence was issued outside Great Britain and Northern Ireland, you will also be asked to supply a copy of the front and back of your licence so please have these prepared.
Organisation Screen (back to top)
The Organisation screen will display your company details. It will also display your staff code if you have one and any group that you have been assigned to. If any details are incorrect inform your manager.
You do not need to enter any details.
Driver Details Screen (back to top)
To complete your online licence check document, you need to enter your details exactly as shown on your licence.
If any details have been pre-filled and are incorrect, please make any corrections.
An Asterix indicates mandatory fields.
When a field has been completed correctly a tick will be seen.
Driving licence issuer. Please check your licence if you are unsure of your issuer.
The options are
• Great Britain DVLA
• Northern Ireland DVLA
• Other
Select Other for all issuing countries apart from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In this case you will also be asked to provide the country of issue.
You can use the search function to find this on the drop-down list.
For a Great Britain licence the licence number will be checked against your surname, initials and date of birth. If there is a problem with entering the licence number, please check these details very carefully.
You can search on your postcode to populate your address. Type your postcode or part of your address.
You will then be able to select from options by clicking in the 'Select an Address' box.
Alternatively, you can fill in your address manually. Click on the link and enter the details.
A * will indicate the parts of the address that must be completed.
If your current address is not the same as that on your licence then please also supply your current address. Click No, and complete your current address.
When all your details have been completed, click Continue.
Terms and Conditions (back to top)
Please read through the terms and conditions box and tick the box to agree.
You can supply your email address to receive a confirmation of licence check document completion.
Signature. Add your signature using a mouse attached to a PC, or with pen or finger on a smart device.
If you are not happy with your signature use the Reset button to clear the signature.
Once all is complete press Finish to complete the online licence check document.
At this point the licence check document will be created and stored against your record on the FleetRiskManager service.
Complete (back to top)
You will then see a copy of the completed licence check document which you can print or download as a PDF by pressing
on the side of the document display box
Click Done to complete.
Non-UK licences additional information screen (back to top)
If you are a holder of a licence issued outside Great Britain and Northern Ireland, you will need to supply some additional information on a separate screen.
You will need to supply the date on which you became a UK resident.
Then please upload scanned or photographed copies of the front and back of your licence so that we have a record of your details.
You can click on the icon and browse your PC to select your files. Alternatively drag the files from your desktop
The allowed file types are PDF, JPEG, or PNG. Check the extension of your file name to see if it is one of filename.pdf, filename.jpeg or filename.png
Northern Ireland Licences Additional Information Screen (back to top)
The DVA for Northern Ireland licences do not yet accept electronic signatures so you will need to sign a paper mandate.
Step 1 — Download your mandate
• Click on the icon to print your mandate .
• Check the pre-filled information. If anything is wrong, use the link to go back and change your details.
Step 2— Upload your mandate
• Write in your address information.
• Sign and date the form
• Scan and upload the form using the upload icon.
You can click on the icon and browse your PC to select your files. Alternatively drag the files from your desktop.
The allowed file types are PDF, JPEG, or PNG. Check the extension of your file name to see if it is one of filename.pdf, filename.jpeg or filename.png
What if the link I have been sent has expired? (back to top)
For security, the link expires once the licence check document is complete. The link also expires after a period of time or after multiple unsuccessful attempts to use it. If you are unable to use the link, please use your normal contact to request a reset.
What if I have a problem entering my driving licence number? (back to top)
The licence number you enter will be checked to ensure it is valid.
If you have a Great Britain DVLA licence, the licence number is checked against your
First name
Middle names (if any)
Date of Birth
You must enter these exactly as shown on your driving licence.
If you have an error on entering your driving licence number, then please check that all these details are correct and that your licence number is typed in correctly.
If you have a Northern Ireland DVA licence, your licence number is checked to make sure it is 8 digits long.
What if I need to nominate another driver who will drive my car? (back to top)
Your company may ask you to provide details of nominees who will also drive your car. You must be registered on FleetRiskManager.
If you can provide a unique email address for your nominee, then a link to complete an online licence check document will automatically be sent to them.
Their email address must be different to your email address.
Without this, you will need to download a paper licence check document for your nominee to sign.
To set up a Nominee
Log onto the FleetRiskManager and access the 'My Home' page.
Under 'My Account' on the right-hand side
Click on 'My Details and History' link
Click on the 'LicenceCheck' tab
Click on 'Add additional named drivers' link at the bottom of the screen
Enter your Nominee licence information
Enter your Nominee personal details including email address
Enter your Nominee address
Click 'Save and Send Link'
An Email will automatically be sent to the email address you entered for your Nominee with a link to complete an online licence check document.
If you do not have an email address for your nominee then under the LicenceCheck tab, locate the nominee licence details.
Click on 'Download Licence check document' link
Follow the instruction to download the correct licence check document for your nominee and then upload the completed form using the 'Upload Scanned Licence check document' link.
Contact for Issues or Queries (back to top)
If you have any queries or issues in completing the licence check document, please contact Drivetech on 01256 495731 or by replying to fleet.customersupport@Drivetech.co.uk.